Time: Dinner @ 2 p.m., On-Out @ 7:30 p.m.-ish
Hares: Snatchsquatch & Two Girls One Cupcake
Location: SnatchCakes Condo (4416 N Albany #1R)
Hash Cash: $10
NOTES: Note the early start time – come over for a fatboy trail, some turkey, and a potluck Thanksgiving. Mrs. Biscuits and Mr. Mustache will be in attendance providing food once again this year. Entrance is in the gangway opposite the alleyway – press the buzzer for “GRAY”.
MORE NOTES: (1) If you plan on attending dinner, please message Cupcake by Saturday (11/23) so that she can purchase and prepare a large enough bird for everybody. Please bring a side dish to share as well.
(2) Pupcake will be there, as he lives there, if you are allergic to dogs please take some medicine beforehand. Snatch will vacuum on Thursday morning, but Pupcake is a shredder, so it won’t be 100% effective. Also, DO NOT FEED THE DOG.
(3) On-Out time has been moved back to 730 so that those eating dinner can digest the food, but also so that anyone who needs to get away from their family doesn’t have to worry about missing trail/circle/fun. There will not be drunk driving this year (thanks, Crash Test), but there will be video games and general tomfoolery.
FUN FACTS: Thanksgiving has its roots in the Protestant tradition of celebrating Days of Fasting & Thanksgiving that began in English Reformation under Henry VIII when the number of church holidays were reduced from 95 to 27. Puritans were especially fanatical in their celebration of Days of Fasting & Thanksgiving and further reduced the number of church holidays to two (Easter & Christmas) before bringing the tradition with them to New England in the seventeenth century.