TH3 #975 – 2/16/2023

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HARE: …He’s Still Limping & Laura Ingalls Girls Gone Wilder

WHERE: Liar’s Club (1665 W Fullerton)



FROM DA HARES: In honor of the holiday, Valentine’s Day, this will be a BLT hash. What does that mean? Black tie, Lingerie, and Toga. We’ll get a little romantic, a little sexy, and a little weird. For those of you that are bitter from spending VDay alone, let’s head to Liar’s club to celebrate the sadness together. Trail will be some sort of distance long with three, I said THREE alcohol checks on trail, all appropriately themed and treats to satisfy your sweet tooth. Wilder is providing a walkers trail for those of you that you don’t want to mess up your costume with raceist behavior. Bring a virgin, bring your valentine, at the very least bring yourself to experience Chicago BLT history!