Time: 7 p.m., On-Out 7:30 p.m.
Hares: Menstrual Casserole
Location: Miska’s
Hash Cash: $10
NOTES: Our GM Menstrual Casserole is leaving us – cum to this hash to wish her well in her future travels and to find out how big of a shitshow TH3 is going to be until our erections in June. She started hashing in Chicago at Miska’s so it’s only fitting that’s where she ends.
FUN FACTS: In 1971 Martha McClintock published a paper in Nature suggesting that women experienced “menstrual synchrony,” a phenomena where their menstrual cycles become become closer together over time as women live in close proximity to one another. Due to several methodological flaws in her initial study and the failure to recreate the results, scientists now believe that menstrual synchrony is unlikely to actually exist.