The Friday night event for Pink Dress Weekend is a fundraising bar crawl along the CTA Pink Line. The crawl also benefits Imerman Angels, as the bars will be donating — some of them in direct proportion to how much you drink! Wear your Pink Dress T-shirt and do your part to drink for charity!
Little Trojan Annie & Four Score In The Back Door are “haring”, and will post the route once it is finalized.
SCHEDULE HAS BEEN FINALIZED! Here are the times & stops on the Pink Line:
8:00 pm: Jefferson Tap, 325 N Jefferson St, Clinton stop
9:30ish pm: AllStar Bar & Grill, 205 W Wacker, Clark/Lake stop
10:30ish pm: Bar Below, 127 S State St, Lower Level, Adams/Wabash stop
11:30 pm-12ish am:Stocks & Blondes, 40 N Wells, Washington/Wells stop
Expect a lot of pink shot specials, and to get thoroughly wasted.
The bar crawl is pay-as-you-go, the only event not included in the full weekend rego.