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Time: 7 p.m., on-out 7:30 p.m. (virtual runners may run on their own)

Hare: Gay Dancer

Location: Foofdeck Party Central, 933 W Wolfram St.

Notes: This year’s Pink Dress will run a little different but will still raise money for Immerman Angels, which is a supportive community for cancer patients and survivors. We will have an in-person run hared by Gay Dancer, and your $10 hash cash will go directly to Immerman Angels. Out-of-towners and anyone else who can’t come on October 1 may run on their own and make a donation (details forthcoming). Thanks to Gay Dancer for haring and to It’s Too Soft for letting us use the Foofdeck!

Hash cash: $10 or donation. Use the link to donate and get entered for a special TH3 swag raffle