Pink Dress Hangover – 10/06/2013

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Fuckity Buttshit H3, the demented minds behind YARG mile, are taking the reigns on this year’s hangover trail. Trail itself will be a short, outdoor affair centered around by whatever insane YARGs our depraved hares come up with. If any of you aren’t sure what a YARG is… you can either find out the easy way (ask around), or the hasher way (show up and see for yourself).

Circle will likely be outdoors, and will be over in plenty of time to head over to Chicago H3′s regular 2 PM hash later that day.

Meet Up at 10:00, On-Out at 10:30

Hash Cash $8, but if you rego’d for the full Pink Dress Weekend, this event was included in your rego price.

Rego for the full weekend or Saturday main event here: