Hares: One Fuck Chuck & HornE
Venue: Celtic Crown (4301 N Western Ave)
Hash Cash: $45 at the door
Time: Meet up 4pm, On-out sometime after that
Don your prettiest pink dress and run about Chicago to raise money for Imerman Angels!
This year, trail will be hared by lovable goof One Fuck Chuck and veteran curmudgeon Horn-E. Trail will center around a fundraising competition, and will be followed by an epic circle RA’d by Little Trojan Annie.
Prizes will be awarded to the best pink dress and to the top fundraisers, both on-trail and online.
The on-in will include three hours of unlimited domestic beer and well drinks, as well as a buffet-style dinner. Stick around after circle for dancing, games, and miscellaneous shenanigans!
After party plans are TBD. Lincoln Karaoke, anyone?
NOTE: Start time is 4:00 pm to accommodate hashers who wish to attend the Bushmen Hash earlier in the day.
SECOND NOTE: RSVPing to the facebook event does NOT rego you for the event. To do so, please visit http://www.chicagoth3.com/pink-dress-2015/ and follow the links for registration.